Bender UK has enhanced its offshore survey and training capabilities, designed to address earth fault problems faced by operators of offshore oil and gas installations and reduce the cost of non-productive time (NPT) costing millions of pounds each year. A global expert in oil and gas electrical safety systems, Bender’s insulation monitoring devices are a vital part of the critical infrastructure for offshore installations such as static platforms and FPSOs, ensuring compliance with safety regulations and preventing shutdown.  

Insulation monitoring provides an assessment of the overall ‘health’ of critical electrical systems such as control, safety, and fire and gas systems.  Bender UK has learnt that systems are not always used effectively, with additional training on ungrounded IT systems being requested so maintenance engineers can respond to alerts.

Bender has experienced and certified offshore applications engineers who locate, classify and analyse earth faults on platforms or vessels. The team works closely with oil and gas operators on a range of control systems, electrical distribution networks and historic devices to help classify and eradicate faults and improve system health.

Bender insulation monitors make it easier to manage the integrity of topside critical power and communications systems, enabling intervention to be planned with minimum disruption to plant operations. Bender portable fault location equipment helps engineers locate ground faults in ungrounded AC and DC systems.

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